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GitHub User Profile

Ajay-Dhangar's github profile

User Database Management

Atharvashirsh's github profile

A User Database Management System is a project built with mongodb, Express.js, and nodejs that allows you to manage user data efficiently


onur-celik's github profile

Invester, an open source investment tracking software that lets you create a custom dashboard with 10+ real-time widgets. Track your portfolio performance and market trends in real-time with easy-to-use, fully customizable tools that integrate with popular financial data sources.


Sahilll15's github profile

An ecom for books


Harshu467's github profile

Ecomerce website where user can view various products.

Blood Donation Project

Saurav-Pant's github profile

This project is based on the concept of blood donation. It is a simple project that helps the user to donate blood and also helps the user to find the blood donor.

Usability Hub

KhushiVaiskyar's github profile

UsabilityHub is a remote user research platform that takes the guesswork out of design decisions by validating them with real users.


akshaysoni10's github profile

A social media MERN stack project in which a user can sign in and after then can create their own posts and also likes & comments on other posts.


vaishalidewangan786's github profile

The app is a IP tracker with geo location.It allows users to search the web with ease and convenience.The web application displays the location, city,time-zone, postal code, and region of the IP address that user enters.The web application also displays information about the name, domain, ISP, proxy, VPN, and Tor of the IP address.Users can also quickly re-search without having to return to the homepage to perform a new search.

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Soumya-Kushwaha's github profile

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning & Python